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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Power3 Medical, Patent Application for Forty-Seven Protein Biomarkers

Mar 5 2008 -Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (OTCBB: PWRM), a leading proteomics company specializing in the development and commercialization of diagnostic tests for the early detection of breast cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, filed a U.S. Utility Patent application for forty-seven protein biomarkers of neurodegenerative disease in human blood serum.
Power3 Medical has determined the blood serum concentrations of these forty-seven biomarkers in samples from more than 750 neurodegenerative disease patients and normal control subjects. The results have shown that this group of biomarkers is useful in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimers disease (AD) from normal control individuals, patients with non-Alzheimers dementias, and patients with Parkinsons disease or ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease). Eighteen million people worldwide have AD; because the early signs of Alzheimers disease are often hard to distinguish from normal signs of aging, many patients are not diagnosed until the neuronal damage caused by this disease is extensive... Power3 Medical Products' Press Release -