Neuronetrix , COGNISION, Tests New Device to Screen for Alzheimer’s Disease
Jan. 23, 2008 - Researchers at the University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging are launching a clinical trial with Neuronetrix’s innovative brain scanning system, called COGNISION, to screen for Alzheimer’s disease. The study with elderly individuals suspected of having Alzheimer’s disease will involve brainwave assessments using a technology called event-related potentials (ERP’).The primary researchers on the study will be Dr. Charles Smith and Dr. Greg Jicha, both faculty in the Department of Neurology at Kentucky. The study is expected to validate the performance of Neuronetrix’s COGNISION™ system and to demonstrate the system’s applicability in a primary care setting...The COGNISION test is expected to be the first approved Alzheimer’s disease screening test which directly evaluates a patient’s cognitive performance...Neuronetrix' Press Release-